Painter not by choice
Born in the eighties. Dealmeida Esilva works and lives between Zurich and Lisbon.
Bacchus and Ariadne, 2016
oil, spray and paper on canvas
176.5 × 191 cm
The Bathers, 2015
oil on canvas
152 × 185 cm
Feeding David Hockney Grey Poupon until he pukes
in his own Pool, 2017
oil and spray on canvas
190 × 170 cm
Ariadne’s Hands (Hi5), 2016
oil and spray on canvas
190 × 136 cm
Hermes, 2016
oil and spray on canvas
40 × 30 cm
Laocoön and His Sons with Grey Poupon, 2017
oil and spray on canvas
1,93 × 3,68 m
The Rape of Europa, 2016
oil and spray on canvas
190 × 280 cm
The Rape of Europa, 2016
oil and spray on canvas
190 × 140 cm
Zeus Cup (primordial complementary colours), 2016
oil on canvas
40 × 30 cm
Zeus Cup, 2016
oil on canvas
40 × 30 cm
Untitled, 2016
oil on canvas
29.5 × 24 cm
Venetian Garden, an Hydroponic Garden, 2017
oil and spray on canvas
2,20 × 4,20 m
Venetian Garden, a night garden for Cézanne, 2017
oil and spray on canvas
167,5 × 190 cm
Apollo’s Wrath (Arrivabene’s Boat), 2017
oil and spray on canvas
180 × 128 cm
Arcadia: The Birth of Color, 2018
oil and spray on canvas
143 × 190 cm
Charon’s Boat (Arriva Bene), 2017
oil and spray on canvas
140 × 190 cm
Virgil’s Drum, 2018
oil and spray on canvas
46 × 33 cm
Five Figures and a Rauschenberg Arrow, 2019
oil and rabbit glue on linen
2,20 × 6,20 m
Figure in Landscape, 2019
oil on canvas
220 × 156 cm
Untitled, 2019
oil on canvas
220 × 160 cm
LICHT, 2019
oil on canvas
220 × 160 cm
Arcadian figures, 2019
oil on canvas
100 × 120 cm